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Currently Reading: Education

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Equity and Diversity

Books by my specific Edu-Heros


  • Teacherpreneurs: Teachers who Lead but Don’t Leave. Barnett Berry.  The title bothers me a bit, but there’s great wisdom from people I know who are amazing teachers and visionaries for our profession. It has always puzzled me why admins feel threatened by teachers who advocate for our profession. It would really be most flattering to admins if they recognized great work and reaped the benefits of working with accomplished professionals. No one’s trying to make them look bad.
  • Change Leader: Learning to Do What Matters Most. Michael Fullan. Probably written for administrators, I’ve found the principles outlined here invaluable in getting students to engage.
  • Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School. Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan. Hargreaves and Fullan were reading my mind when they write this book. They look critically at every solution proposed by corporate reform and show clearly why, although they may warrant consideration as part of a quality school, they can’t stand alone as solutions. Hargreaves and Fullan show why a school full of quality teachers working together is the foundation of a successful school. This is your new must-read.

Assessment and Grading

  • Grading Smarter, not Harder: Assessment Strategies that Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn. Myron Dueck. Confession:  I’ve only read 1 chapter (the free one) because I’m still waiting for my pre-ordered copy to arrive. The practical solutions and rationales offered in only one chapter tell me that this is going to be my favorite assessment book ever.  UPDATE: If you aren’t sure about doing SBG, this book is for you. Great advice from a great educator.
  • Practical Solutions for Serious Problems in Standards Based Grading. Thomas Guskey. Guskey addresses some barriers to implementation of SBG, issues with student engagement and motivation, and special education and English Language learner issues. While I didn’t find any clear, immediately usable solutions, this book helped me think more clearly about possible ways to better help kids learn.
  • Fair Isn’t Always Equal. Rick Wormeli. Rick was the game-changer for me on both grading and differentiated instruction.
  • Transforming Classroom Grading. Robert Marzano. Back to the beginning of the grading movement.


  • Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction. Rodger Bybee. This will be my reference as we transition to NGSS in my district. And the more I read, the more valuable I think this book is, especially to someone who needs to learn how the standards read first.


Project-Based Learning

I’m lucky enough to have both Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss in my backyard. They are accessible and always willing to share. Suzie collaborated with my school last year with our PBL grant, funded by NBPTS. Read all of these books, and stay tuned for a new one.


Education Reform

  • The Educator and the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges the Gates Foundation. Anthony Cody. Gates is not an educator, yet he is driving education policy reform in America, from Common Core to testing to curriculum. It’s not a good thing.  UPDATE: When the reform tide turns back to educators as experts, Anthony Cody and his work deserve a large slice of the credit.


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