Science, Education, and Science Education

classroom applications
July 15th, 2010 by Luann

Attention Elementary Teachers:

I’m analyzing data from pre-service elementary science teachers who are working on an inquiry learning project.  I’m a bit surprised with the results.  Before I share, I’d like to hear from some elementary teachers about your current teaching of science and your teacher preparation program.  What do you feel you teach really well in science?  Where and how did you learn to do this well?  In what areas do you most want to grow?

I can’t wait for your comments.  In the meantime, I’m back to data analysis.


One Response to “Attention Elementary Teachers:”
  1. dendert says

    I am a primary school teacher in New Zealand. I teach 5 and 6 year olds. I have a passion for both inquiry learning and science. For the first 6 months of 2011 I will be released from the classroom as I have a science fellowship. This means I will be working with scientists at a local facilitity so I will be ’emersed in the world of a scientist” and I will be travelling to other parts of our beautiful country learning about the NZ Curriculum especially science. On return to my school I will be expected to lead science. For the second half of 2011 I will be doing teacher release so this will give me a great opportunity to work with all our 200 pupils. I am enjoying reading your blog and I hope you continue to share your knowledge about science and inquiry. I think they go hand in hand. My email is [email protected]

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